Sabías que existe una marca de autos clásicos llamada Beverly Barnes que fabricó solo 14 unidades de un modelo en particular… y que uno de ellos fue encontrado acá en Argentina?
Beverly Barnes, marca rara si las hay.
Cuando Dolphens, Flamand y Graf Lenaerts decidieron abandonar su Belgica natal, jamas pensaron que el destino los llevaría a Inglaterra, precisamente a la localidad de Barnes, a fabricar un auto que bien por su calidad y tecnología podría haberle hecho mella a la misma Rolls Royce.
Lo que nosotros tampoco hubiéramos imaginado es que una unidad pudiera haber llegado a Argentina. Si bien en realidad es nada mas que un chasis en un estado prístino, el cual fue localizado en la provincia de Córdoba hace ya unos cuantos años.
Según la información obrante se fabricaron 14 unidades de las cuales quedan dos sobrevivientes, en realidad tres con este full chasis.
Vayamos al auto en cuestión. Fabricado entre 1923 y 1931, modelo 30/90 HP de 8 cilindros en linea, doble encendido (notese en la foto las dos bujías por cilindro) y 4.826 cm3 con una velocidad final según fabrica de 70 MPH.
Hacia el final de sus días la fabrica en cuestión, se dedico exclusivamente a ensamblar vehículos Invicta, concluyendo asi con la aventura de fabricar sus propios autos y competir con el Nro. 1 de entonces, voluntad que se observa en el diseño de su radiador y la disposición de las letras al mas puro estilo Rolls Royce.
Beverly Barnes, really a rare brand.
When Dolphens , Flamand and Graf Lenaerts decided to leave his native Belgium, they never thought that fate would take them to England , specifically to the town of Barnes, to manufacture a car that well for its quality and technology could have competed with the sophisticated Rolls Royce brand.
What we could not imagine is that a unit may have reached Argentina . Although in reality it is nothing more than a frame in a pristine state, which was located in the province of Cordoba a few years ago.
According to the information we have, 14 units were built, of which there are two survivors. Actually three if you count this full chassis.
But let’s talk about the car.
Made between 1923 and 1931 , model 30/90 HP 8 -cylinder, dual ignition (notice in the picture the two spark plugs per cylinder) and 4,826 cm3 with a final velocity , according to the factory , about 70 MPH.
Towards the end of his days, the factory in question was devoted exclusively to assemble vehicles Invicta .
Thus concluded the adventure of making their own cars and compete with car number one of that time . That is seen in the design of your radiator and the arrangement of letters Rolls Royce style .
Dear Willy,
I am excited to see the pictures posted of the Beverley Barnes. I am in the UK and am the current owner of this car. Where did you get the photos from? Do you know any more about the history of the car whilst in Argentina?
It has been rebodied and restored and was recently the subject of an article in The Automobile magazine in the UK. I can send you some pictures of how it look now.
Best regards
Paul Dezelsky
Dear Mr. Paul Dezelsky,
I am Daniel, from Cordoba, Argentina.
My father, who dead two months ago at his 93s, was one of those that found the magnificent Beverly- Barnes here in Cordoba.
He refused to buy it due to his condition (no body, just the chassis), but the others were enthusiast and decided acquire the car.
I was a child by that time (around 1970 I think), there are some old photographs of me and my brother posing in front of the car while was a garage (almost a barn), where the guys working on the engine.
Photographs looks similar to the ones on the blog, which make me think about the author (may be one of those?)
I remember my father donate the calorimeter for the radiator or propose using one he has.
I think one of those boys is already in this town, I suppose I can track him to investigate more about the story if you are interested.
Just let me know at [email protected]
Best Regards!